SSG On Site

Meet SSG On Site. The lovechild of SSG and Sticky Beat. An app that is transforming the way the industry tackles safety issues today. The app contains safety information, news, maps, emergency numbers, contact details, etc. – all information needed by contractors or visitors to plants.

I like the app's new layout. It's clearer with the menus

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On Site in short

The app is a central part of the SSG Safety concept, an overall solution that gives the industry the right conditions to become a safer workplace, for its own employees and those who visit the facility. So that everyone gets home unharmed when the working day is over.

100+ industry sites

On site makes it possible for plants to rapidly communicate relevant information to all visitors and gather all information in a single location. SSG On site replaces printed information and creates a safer work environment while enhancing communication.

SSG on site is currently utilized by over 100 facilities and continues to expand its user base. With each passing day, its usage grows, reflecting the increasing recognition of its effectiveness and utility in the industry.

A central hub

SSG on site app serves as a central hub with multiple integrations to SSG's other services, including Supplier, Entre, Academy, Workflow, and project staffing. This interconnected ecosystem allows users to seamlessly navigate between different SSG services, streamlining processes and enhancing efficiency. Whether it's managing suppliers, accessing training materials, coordinating workflows, or staffing projects, SSG on site provides a comprehensive solution, facilitating smoother operations and improving overall productivity.